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Who is behind camra?


Hay, hi, hello! My name is Joanna, and here is the story of my life…



















I was born and raised in small city in Poland. My family never had a lot of money,

but it was enough to live from paycheck to paycheck.

I have two older brothers and I'm the baby of our family.

As a young girl I was often bullied at school, because I had different view of life,

not enough money, listening to different kind of music etc.

To be honest every reason was good to laugh at someone when you are kid… but I went thru that.

        I found my escape in photography. I had a small, old, analog camera to where you putting film in

and you can make around 36 pictures per roll. (today kids would never understand lol)

it was elementary school so I was about 10 years old when everything started.

I took my little camera everywhere I went, I shoot whatever I could, friends, nature, trips etc.

I remember telling my parents that I want to do it when I grow up!

I want to be an professional Photographer, of course they didn't believe me,

you know being kid is hard and parents always thinks that we have million ideas in a minute

and everything will change with time. NOPE not this time MOM! haha.

About 3/4 years later when I save up some money, also my parents help out a little,

they bought me my first Digital camera I remember it was Sony h3 cyber shot.

I started shooting for my friends for fun. (here are couple pics from that time)











Okay here it comes 2011! For my 18th birthday (18 in Poland is like 21 in usa, BIG ONE)

I bought myself my first SLR camera !! SO EXCITING !

Canon 500d great camera for start up to dip into more professional photography.

In that age I was in High School still in Poland, after I finished High School

I went to PHOTOGRAPHY SCHOOL which I finished in 2015 and

I earned a Photo Technican diploma, also in that time I bought my first fully professional

camera Canon 6d, which I'm using till know !

         In the end of 2016 I left my lovely country to work in USA Ohio as a nanny,

I put photography for a shelf for almost 2 years!! Which is unbelievable for me.

In those two years I met the love of my life,

and I got married to my best friend in November 2018.

I loved my life, but there was always something missing in it…

I missed photography a LOT!

         So, in 2019 I decided that I AM GOING BACK, to do what I always loved !

And here I am ! Doing what I Love, having wonderful people around me,

supporting me, and loving me. I do not regret anything in my life, all my decisions brought me to who I am right now.

I am PROUD to be me. Its been a trip, but I'm always curious what my life will bring next.


So here is my story, what is yours?


thats me!

Love of my life!

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